Thanks to my friend Sarah I just learned about an adorable new Audrey Hepburn book titled Just Being Audrey. It’s a beautifully illustrated children’s book about Ms. Hepburn’s inspiring life from her childhood growing up in Nazi-occupied Europe to her later years dedicated to being a UNICEF ambassador. The official release date isn’t until the 25th, but according to Sarah Anthropologie is already selling copies. See you there!
She is just so lovely :)
That book looks adorable! I will have to check out anthro this week!
the first copy shall be mine! how did I not know about this?
adorable!! I don’t think i can live without this!!
What a lovely book, my daughter has one called Different like Coco about Coco Chanel. I will have to keep an eye out for it as we are both Audrey fans.
How beautiful! I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy!
Oh my goodness. I am so glad you shared this. I love Audrey and will buy this book right away (for moi). The illustrations are just divine.
What a cute book! Thanks for the introduction…can’t wait to pick up one!
xo Kelly
I love the illustrations.
Those illustrations look adorable, they’d look cute framed!
I must, must get this book for my daughter Audrey!
Hello Lovely,
I would like to give you the “Stylish Blogger Award” for your beautiful and so inspiring blog!
How this award works is that it’s passed on from blogger to blogger, so I received the award from someone and I pass on the award to others. Part of this award is to write 7 things about yourself (on your blog post) and pass this award to 15 other recently discovered blogs you think deserves this award too. Last step, send a reply back to the blogger who wrote to you.
You can see my post and the link for the award here:
Have a great week! xoxo Julie
I love it…must have!
Looks beautiful.
I’ll have to add it to the collection.
i saw it at anthro over the weekend when i was there buying a box of “penguin postcards” but didn’t take a peek inside. now i wish i would have! my daughter is named eliza… i think she’ll have a surprise gift waiting on her bed one day this week per this post katie. thank you! xo!
how sweet! i want a copy for myself! what a great find :)
What a great book! After reading her biography last summer, I can’t wait to pick this up!
Illustrations are beautiful, j’adore!
just like Jenny…I have to get it for my daughter, Audrey!
Need this if baby turns out to be a girl!
I saw this book today at Anthro today over lunch! I almost bought it and then decided to wait. I thought about it all afternoon and now I’m seeing it here! It’s reverse buyer’s remorse. I’ll be going back tomorrow, I suppose!!! :)
Lovely! What a great way to introduce a little girl to classic fashion.
What a lovely book! I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy! :)
It looks like a wonderful book! Love the illustrations. xxoo
oohh, i need this. anthro, here i come! (what’s ONE more audrey book to add to my massive collection? ;)
I just did a little series of getting Audrey’s look last week. But this book is absolutely making me melt. Definitely hitting my must-have list. Thanks so much for mentioning it!
-xoxo Noe
so so adorable! i want to add this to my book collection :) xoxo jcd
OH my goodness, a children’s book about Audrey?! Too perfect!
Wow !!!!
Want it
want it
want it!!!!
Beautiful illustrations & TOPIC !!!
Wow! It is just too adorable. I love Audrey and now I want this book. That little smirk on her face is too cute!
Oh my! I must have this!
Lovely. Just discovered your blog and I like it!