These new Maryjane Bows by the stylish ladies over at Marais USA are bound to be my go-to shoes for fall. The beige and black combo in particular made me weak in the knees — Haley and Catherine can do no wrong! Is it just me or does everything look better with a bow?
Oh my! Katie – I need to stop shopping but how can I resist the two-tone beige + black PLUS a BOW! I’m a bow addict. Oh – it’s in my shopping cart now.
xx Vivian @
Ooooh, how my heart pines for these! They are perfection!
Vivian — I’m in line behind you! : )
Kate — Our hearts pine for the same things!! xx
Umm yes please! I want a pair too now!
so cute!!! I love all their beautiful designs!!
Bows! Contrasting colors! I love it!
Oh sweet Heaven.
Those are adorable! I’d die for a pair of blue ones. My wedding shoes had a big ole bow on them that kept popping out from under my dress – definitely fun!
Good thing my birthday is coming up soon!
Love these! Feminine and functional – perfect. And a welcomed change from my daily Revas!
Jessie //
LOVE these. Love anything with a bow!
Ohmygoodness, perfection! Saw these earlier and am waffling between the beige/black and the plain black, hmmmmmm… The sooner I make a decision, the sooner Monsieur UPS arrives at my door. ;)
In two weeks’ time should we all send you pics of our bowfabulous tootsies? Hehe.
oh my gosh, looove these! and i would have to agree with you, i am a firm believer that bows make everything that much cuter!
oh i LOVE these! too cute.
Girls, your commentary here is amazing. And Kate, you are my hero.
Lots of love from Marais USA, x
Amy — Yes, anyone who buys these should send me photos!! I’ll post them!!
Haley — Well you are my hero so we’re even. Keep up the good work lady! xx
Adorable! Officially on my “Christmas List”! :)
Fantastic! I agree- the beige black combo needs to be mine asap! Hope you’re having a wonderful Fall, Katie!
Holy cow, I must have them!