A farmer’s market tote for Frances and all the other French Bulldog mothers out there. There’s something regal about them, isn’t there?
A farmer’s market tote for Frances and all the other French Bulldog mothers out there. There’s something regal about them, isn’t there?
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Eee! I love frenchies. *sighs happily*
How cute. It make me think of Winston Churchill and Queen Victoria and the same time;)
Chloe — Me too, me too.
J. — Winston, wouldn’t that be the sweetest name for a Frenchie? Although I suppose it would be more appropriate for an English bulldog : )
I want a French bulldog or a Boston terrier so badly…but I’m allergic :(
Anna — You poor thing! You should get a really cute stuffed animal! I have a penguin named Edgar that John got me from the Monterey Bay Aquarium last summer… He may not be real, but he’s still cuddly : )
It’s those adorable ears. Joli laid to the end!
this little guy looks adorable with his crown! Would love to have a stylish tote like this one :)
Thank you!!!!
This is to die for! great find
So cute! My cousin in Maryland is involved in French bulldog rescue, they foster them until they find homes (her and her hubby also have an English bulldog).
Our bratty little Frenchie is named Francois. He is the NAUGHTIEST thing ever but very lovable and super cute. He chases skateboards, horses, cats, UPS trucks and gardeners with lawn mowers. Be careful what you wish for!! I think I might need a little canvas bag to keep all his toys in.