Cheers to Friday, friends! Simon is out of town this weekend so Alfred and I are having some quality bonding time (I love my pug, but lord does he snore loud). I’m looking forward to antiquing at my favorite flea market (it’s Saturday morning in Frederiksberg, if you ever find yourself in this neck of the woods) and watching Princess Diana documentaries on Netflix. Without further ado, my favorite instagrams of the week: Above, a stunning bookshelf in the home of @m.o.endres (remember when I gushed about her feed?). The gorgeous dark green bookshelves and cabinetry in her New Jersey abode have long been saved to my “dream home” file (aka Pinterest board!).
This photo by @MeredithBraden has me itching to get back to Portugal. Meredith was an intern at Matchbook back in the day and I’ve loved following her adventures since. She’s an incredibly talented photographer and is always jet setting around the globe.
The wonderful @happymenocal shared this snap of a Wayne Thiebaud painting. It’s from an exhibit at the Morgan Library in New York. If you’re in town, stop by!
@erinshawstreet shared this awesome Oprah quote. It made me smile. New life motto?
Faux fur heaven thanks to @shrimps. I need this coat for fall (hoping its on Shopbop soon!)
@hollywoodathome shared this gorgeous room in Tom Helme’s country house. It was published in House & Garden. The antique suzani sofa cushions are so good.
I’m in love with the Fayum portrait shared by @miguelfloresvianna. The colors! Her eyes! Stunning.
@markdsikes and his team installed an amazing home in Birmingham, Alabama this week. The yellow walls in the living room look fabulous paired with blue and green.
How stunning does the Duchess of Cambridge look in this portrait taken at Prince Louis’ christening? I love everything about her McQueen dress. Shared by @hrhtheduchessofcambridge
Pattern lovers will adore @jjswaney12‘s hallway makeover with Wayne Pate wallpaper. I recently scored a large cobalt blue mirror on the Danish craigslist (it’s seriously a goldmine) so I was excited to see one in Jessica’s home as well (#greatminds). I was lucky enough to hang out with Jessica years ago in Charleston and also Wayne in New York–lovely people creating lovely places/things!
I know I should mix things up here, but I had to post another shot from @m.o.endres this week. How chic is her gardening shed? Talk about goals.
Hope you enjoyed these snippets! Stay tuned for more instagram highlights next week!
you’re so sweet — thank you for sharing!!
Jessica – Of course! Have a lovely weekend, dear! xo
Thanks so much for sharing Katie! I always love your curated posts and am thrilled to be included :)
What a lovely post to find this morning! I am a bit behind. Thanks Katie!! You always bring me something new to see, and it’s a thrill to know my IG posts catch your eye! Xoxo