I thought it was about time I gave you all an update on our journey towards growing our family. As I hinted yesterday, we have begun the adoption process. My sweet readers, I have never been more excited for anything in all my life! I really, truly feel this is the way it was meant to be. After seven IVF transfers and one miscarriage, ending fertility treatment in December was the best decision we ever made. We’ve only just started the adoption paperwork and it will be a long process, but just knowing that we will someday be parents means the world to us.
Our plan is to adopt a baby of African-American heritage from the United States. We were heartbroken to learn that there is a vast shortage of families seeking to adopt children of African-American descent, and as we would be overjoyed with a baby of any race or gender, it felt like an obvious choice for us. Raising a child of another race will be a challenge at times, but we will do our very best to teach them to be proud of their heritage and surround them with a diverse community of people that love them. It is our hope that it will be an open adoption, which will allow our child to have a relationship with their birth mother. I will try to keep you updated along the way, but as it’s such an immensely personal journey for everyone involved, I may be a bit tight-lipped at times. In the coming months, I will be working on completing our application, reading books about adoption, and buying all the nursery decor and baby clothes my heart desires. It will likely be at least a year until we have a baby in our arms, but we know when that day comes, it will be the happiest of our lives. Thank you, dear readers, for your thoughtfulness and support. Blue skies ahead!
(image: the cutest baby overalls)
Congratulations! I hope everything goes smoothly and you have a little angel in your lives soon.
Karen – Thank you so much! We hope so too! Have a lovely weekend. xoxo
aww, katie! best of luck! i’ll be thinking of you and sending good (and optimistic!) vibes your way xo
Caitie — Thank you! That means so much. Hope you’re enjoying your Friday! xo
So happy to read this news! I’ve learned a lot through your (generous) open sharing with your fertility struggles, it’s informed and guided me through close family going through similar difficulties. I’ve been pulling for you and Simon, I’m sure the adoption process will be a challenge at times but clearly you can handle it. Congratulations!
Carly – I hope your family is doing well. These things are never easy, but I like to think there’s always a silver lining. Thank you for your kind words! xo
What beautiful news. I’m so happy for you – and your child will be so lucky to have parents who love him or her so much. Wishing you the best on your adoption journey and I’m excited for you, with everything ahead!
Jamie – I am so lucky to have readers like you. Thank you for all your well wishes. We couldn’t be more excited! xo
Such happy news! Wishing you the best of luck and lots of patience on your journey.
Julie – Thanks so much! If there’s one thing all this has taught me it’s patience! xo
A lucky little one is going to have terrific parents! Keeping y’all in my thoughts and prayers for a smooth process!!
Your news has brought a smile to my face and I know how lucky your baby will be! Good luck to you and Simon (and Alfred!) as you work through the process and congratulations as well. Here’s to blue skies!
Congratulations! As an avid follower, I have been praying for your health and happiness. Your new plan sounds amazing, and your incredibly sincere online cheering section is clearly thrilled for you! Hooray for new adventures.
Katie this is fantastic news! I am so thrilled for you. Your future children will be lucky to have you as their mother.
That’s such happy news, Katie! I can’t tell you how much I’ve appreciated your generosity in sharing your journey with all of us. Lots of blessings and love to you and your growing family. :)
Not sure why I’m tearing up, but I am! I know you want this so badly. So so so happy for you! You’ll make wonderful parents. Congrats times a million and good luck. Can’t wait to see all the adorable things you put together for your new bundle of joy.
How exciting! So many journeys to Motherhood, all of them unique and wonderful in their own way. Wishing you all the happiness you deserve!
I’ve been following your blog since your Matchbook days and I was SO happy to read this post. I experienced fertility troubles and miscarriage around the same time as you and always found your posts to be so authentic, heartfelt and thoughtful. Your baby will be lucky to have you! Wishing you all the best on your adoption journey.
Mazel tov!
Hi Katie l am not sure how it works with adoptive parents from overseas, but there are many South African babies who need adoption, if interested get in touch with Princess Alice Home in Johannesburg pat
You’re going to be a wonderful mama!!!! xoxo
I am SO happy for you! What a wonderful decision. Think of the good you will be doing this world!xx
I’m sure you’ve heard this, but some believe that it’s the child that chooses the parents. I always love this perspective, that these souls know what they need in parents. I hope and pray that just the right sweet baby knows that you are just the right parents for her. In that instant there will be no doubt that this difficult path was to prepare you for that very perfect union. Best luck to you, I’ll be following closely.
Congratulations on this exciting milestone!!! Can’t wait to hear about your journey!
I cannot tell you enough how grateful I am for you sharing your story with us- it makes me feel a little less alone on the infertility journey. Cheering you and your family on from afar, and I can’t wait to see how your story unfolds!
Dear Katie, I would like to encourage you. 47 years ago we discovered we couldn’t have children so we adopted a beautiful baby girl of mixed race – Australian Aboriginal and European heritage. Did not take long for her to become truly our much loved child. Mind you, she brought the same pains and joys as any natural child. I wish you all the very best.
Wonderful news, dear Katie! I wish you all the best in this journey. I am very excited for you and Simon, and I will keep cheering for you!
I wish you all the best! As the mother of two children who came into my life through adoption, one African and one African-American, I can tell you adoption is such a beautiful blessing! THe moment you hold your child for the first time, you will truly believe in fate and life happening as it is meant to happen.
So happy for you!!! You’ll make wonderful, wonderful parents. What a lucky baby to be anticipated with such love!
What wonderful, sweet news! Just from what you’ve shared on the blog over the years, it’s so obvious what a wonderful lady you are. This will one blessed little baby! So, so happy for you and Simon.
Congratulations! This is such amazing news, and I’m wishing you all the best on the journey. Lots of love!
Praying for your family! So excited for you, your husband and your child to come.
Congratulations! I was not adopted, but I am an African-American woman raised by her white biological mother. It can work, and work beautifully. Love your child, educate yourselves, work to have a diverse group of friends and mentors for your child. And enjoy. This is a beautiful thing!
That’s amazing to hear!
I myself would love to get pregnant and have a baby.
For another set of reasons that is just not happening for me right now, either.
But the picture you paint is another amazing and overwhelmingly joyful experience to embark on.
I wish you all the luck you’ll need, applaud and admire your new plan.
Much love always.