Let’s kick off the week with stripes, shall we? I nearly died over the “penthouse” key chain (it’s part of Anya Hindmarch’s bespoke line and can be monogrammed!) and “Primrose Hill Picnic” nail lacquer? Get in my life.
1/ Straw Cloche Hat 2/ Tortoise Bangle Set 3/ Butter London Lacquer in Primrose Hill Picnic 4/ Stripe Tunic 5/ Anya Hindmarch Key Clip 6/ Envelope Coin Purse
Yup…want EVERY single thing on this list- especially that gold spotted coin purse- love!
Come by and I will happily treat you to a bottle of primrose hill picnic, however MacBeth is quite a tempting option. Butter is the best! (I will leave a note at the counter in case I am at the other store)
i kind of want everything on this wishlist.
How lovely! The bracelets and nail polish are to die for! And that coin purse is perfection.
Beautiful, dear!
I literally just received Primrose Hill Picnic in the mail today — swoon, swoon!