That’s right loves, we’re moving next week and I’d love to get rid of everything in the shop (don’t fret I’ll be restocking the moment we arrive in California!). I’ve heavily discounted each and every item (only two are over $20 now…impressive, right?) and added a few new pieces at fantastic bargain prices. I’ll be adding more all day in fact! Enjoy!
Helena says
Helena says
ooh katie do you ship to the uk? Thanks sweetie!
rikshaw design says
i want to send the vera napkins to my mom! will you put a cute note to her..she loves youxoxoxo
Katie Armour says
Rikshaw — Of course! Snatch them up before somebody else does though… Things are going crazy quick today! XX
The Zhush says
I just took that adorable pineapple off your hands…my paypal account is acting all wonkie…if there is a problem, please just let me know!
Thanks Katie!
Katie Armour says
Sue — No worries, will let you know! XX
Perfection is Boring says
It must be terribly exciting to pick up and move.
Change of scenery always provides change of mind.
Good luck with all of it!
Allison says
Things are definitely going fast! I was perusing the shop and when I went back to buy some things – they were gone. :) Can’t wait to see what you have in stock after the move!