Did you hear that the latest issue Lonny is going live this Saturday? Just thought I should spread the good cheer. I don’t know about you, but I’m on pins and needles! I can’t wait to drool over all the new features and see the latest Caitlin McGauley watercolors. Isn’t the chair above très chic? (Disclaimer: Ever since I saw An Education I’ve been throwing little French phrases into my daily conversation — such a wannabe Carey Mulligan!)
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Katie Considers
Yay, thanks for the heads up! And I LOVE your sneaky-sneak blog-over! It looks really great Katie, very you:) And I’m a lover of the chevron stripes! The bright orange/white combo is another fave of mine. Really fun.
YES! I know, I can’t wait! :)
I love the new blog design! And how exciting… I nearly forgot that the new issue was due! I’m always so inspired.
Yes very excited!
Hurray! So glad I’m not the only one with a minor (or major…) Lonny obsession! xo
Oh, my I can hardly stand the wait. I LOVE your makeover. YOU LOOK GREAT!!!!
Style Chronicle — Hah! I wish I looked half as cute as my blog, trust me! xo
whoo hoo!!! so excited.
Love the new site by the way!! I only last checked your site yesterday and it seams like I’m totally behind. you’ve been a busy girl!
Looove Caitlin McGauley – she did a super cute illustration for my site…
Oh boy Katie-I just fell head over heels and heart over head in love with these water colors. They remind me of Bella Foster-she does the Kate Spade illustrations. These are too cute for words. I might have to do a little write-up on this! xo