Can you believe it’s already Friday? I managed to slice the top of my foot open yesterday on a broken wine glass and am now stuck on the sofa with eight stitches. It was rather gory, but I didn’t faint so I’m quite proud of myself! At least it will give me time to read lots of blogs today and perhaps watch some good movies. Besides, it’s rather dreary outside so it’s the perfect day for cozying up with some hot cocoa! What are your plans my dear readers? Is it raining where you are? If not, do go out and do something active for me, won’t you? It would be MUCH appreciated.
XXX Kate “the NEO-trad”
(image by rebecca)
Thanks for the comment on my blog. Its nice to know people actually read what I write! Sorry to hear about your foot! Sounds painful. Hope your having a relaxing day, Claire xx
Oh no! I hope your foot feels better soon!
Tomorrow, I’m going apple picking. I can’t wait!
OW! that sounds horrible, but i have to admit, sometimes i am relieved when things like that happen–i mean, being sick in general–because it’s an excuse to lay on the couch and relax for once! i hope your foot heals quickly. i’m excited about my art show tonight and about seeing over the rhine tomorrow (some of my favorite music-makers). i think it will be a good weekend!
hoping your foot heals quickly! it’s rainy here, too, which means lots of snuggly reading on the couch for me!
Great blog! excited to keep in touch and be inspired by eachother’s weddings! so fun.
have a great weekend. we’re off to the pumpkin patch!
You all have such fun plans—I’m dying of envy. No, seriously, I want to go to the pumpkin patch! Next weekend perhaps… Thanks for stopping by ladies, it means oh-so-much!
that stinks! i hope you had consumed a bunch of wine before it broke and sliced you open! no plans really for me, just chilling and probably closing up some stuff with work, because this week has been insane! i do think i will check out the richard avedon exhibit at the moma..take care!
Ohmigosh! That’s terrible! I hope that your foot heals quickly – and that you are taking something to alleviate some of the pain. I plan on spending the day at the bookstore today. It’s not raining here, but it’s slightly chilly, so I’m bundled up in a cozy sweater, and just looking forward to browsing through books with a cup of coffee in hand. I hope that you are armed with loads of glossies, books, and movies to keep you entertained for the weekend. Marie Antoinette, The Virgin Suicides, Almost Famous, and Garden State are some of my favorites! :)
Cafe Fashionista—can I just say that I love that you call them “glossies.” Fabulous. Thanks for the well wishes and enjoy the bookstore!
XX Kate
Oh, so sorry about your foot! I hope it heals up quickly!
There is going to be a chalk sidewalk drawing thing here this weekend so we are going to check it out, I can’t wait and I try to take advantage of it when there is actually something “artsy” going on here (which is pretty rare).
Yikes I’m sorry about your foot. I hate stitches, and getting hurt obviously. Have a great relaxing weekend!
Oh no! I hope you heal fast! Relax this weekend…
just found your blog after you commented on mine — love it. the manifesto is especially great.
sorry about your foot! i’m in holland & it’s supposed to rain & rain & rain all weekend, so we’ll probably bake things & watch movies.
so sorry, kate. hang in there — actually being forced to put my feet up sounds divine!
i’ll be at the store all day tomorrow, then i’m looking forward to Sunday; we have no plans! ;)
that’s awful. hope you are out and about in no time. although I wouldn’t mind a few days on the sofa myself:) As for me, we are heading to the beach, yippee.
Ouch! Hope you feel better soon! It’s really dreary where I live too. Way too cold and rain won’t stop! Yuck. But I’m still going to a farmer’s market, pumpkin patch and corn maze tomorrow! I can’t wait :)
But tonight, it will be hot chocolate and movies, too! I’m kinda looking forward to it.
Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my post today!
I’m SO sorry to hear you’re down for the count :( but, I hope at least there’s a little “ding” in the fact that you cut yourself on something as fun as a wine glass. Maybe?? Enjoy your down time and take care of yourself – the pumpkins will be out next weekend too fo sho. Ding!
Oh no! Get well soon…that sounds awful :( Hope you use the downtime to catch up on a fav book, mag, or movie!
Don’t feel alone – I am home due to a spontaneous guys night out, the guys snatched up my husband so I am also on the couch tonight! Besides being lazy, lots of jewelry orders to tend to as well as a serious craving for a silly chic flick. ;)
Happy weekend! Take care of that foot! hehe. Thanks for popping by my blog,
xo Jill
Sad to hear about your foot Kate, hope you finished the glass before you dropped it! Busy weekend for me, still in the 80’s here in AZ. Saturday I work at the art gallery all day, Sunday AIDS Walk and continued training for my triathlon next weekend! Though tonight I’m resting and reading blogs over tea, while i long for sweaters, Ugg slippers, and a weekend in foggy Monterey :)
Oh my Gosh! I am so sorry to hear about your foot! Enjoy your cocoa though- it might be easier to relax when you HAVE to, you know? You can’t really tell yourself that you should be doing something else instead (as a student, this is all I do!).
This weekend I am finishing my last paper, and prepping for travel!
Love the photo! We had rain, thunder & lightning here in Italy today! Perfect day to stay inside and enjoy a nice cup of tea…and I did! :) Have a wonderful weekend, inspiring friend!
oh NO!!! you poor thing!! rest that foot and catch up on your blogs. I’m actually doing the same thing…watching the Valentino movie (again) and blogging…feel better!
Hi Erika!
Ahh I rented the Valentino movie a few weekends ago. I’m a bit obsessed with his pugs. I want my pug pup to be chubby just like them, but my fiance says it’s unhealthy. I still slip him a little extra food in hopes of plumping him up, is that wrong?
XX Kate
Jaclyn! So happy to hear from you! I can’t believe it’s still in the eighties out there…can you believe I’ve never been to AZ?! Someday… Anyway, I feel your longing for foggy Monterey. I wore my Uggs proudly this weekend—the only footwear I could wrangle over my stupid foot! Anyway, thanks for stopping by! You’re too sweet.
XX Kate