I am admittedly not the most “outdoorsy” girl so my infatuation with the work of landscape architect Perry Guillot may come as a surprise. I first read about his work on the Tory Blog and have since spent more time than I’d like to admit pouring over his brilliant portfolio. Aren’t his minimalist designs just stunning? I am a bit in love with this notion of taming/coaxing/sculpting wild mother nature into works of art.
“Seeming more like a sunken garden than a ball court, this privet walled grass tennis court is the definition of perfection.” -Perry Guillot on the first image
This is heavenly!
his work is so wonderfully serene. love it, katie!
Aja Lake
the gold hat.
What heavenly gardens and rosebeds – I am looking forward to visiting some English stately homes and gardens this summer and this is prompting me to get out my map and plan!