I will never tire of them. Will you?
(photographs by Jak and Jil)
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no, love stripes and my love for them will last forever! xo
Nope, never! So classic!
Never!!! Can’t tell you how many versions of these tops I own – different colors, materials, weights…
Great minds like stripes : )
My love for stripes is strong and everlasting! To the point that I will be tempted to buy something solely based on its cute striped lining. No one else can see them but I know those happy stripes are there and they make me smile!
Tried to snag a striped JCrew sweater on sale this weekend but they were out in my size! Boo. The hunt continues…
I will never get fed up with stripes, I even have the Mr wearing them as well now. Being sailors I even had them as crew uniform. Long live the stripe! axx
Nope, I will never tire of them either.
Not a chance. I have an Armor Lux shirt from a local sailing store and I love it! It’s the real deal and worth the wait from France.
Never – wearing them right now :-)
stripes are the best. :)