Ever since I bought this calender back in January I’ve been in love with the natural history paintings of Edward Lear. His book of parrot illustrations was published in 1932 when Lear was the “unofficial artist in residence at the London zoo.” Interestingly enough, he also happens to be the poet that penned “The Owl and the Pussy Cat” —clearly a man of many talents.
Awww I love the Owl and the Pussy Cat – my mom used read his poems and limericks to me as a youngin. A true talent! XXO
that would be a fun job! or any artist-n-residence job, actually!
Jane — Your mom is pretty much my hero. xo
Sarah — I know, right? I would take that job in a heartbeat!
I just read The Owl and the Pussy Cat for the first time. So cute!
Oh, I adore these.
I love these. I think that the next picture I add to my gallery wall is going to have to be a bird portrait.
Abbie — I got mine for half off at Barnes & Noble and the calender is huge and the pages are perfect for framing as prints! xo
The Owl and The Pussycat was one of our favorites – and to think Lear could paint, too. What talent!
Such a fan of parrots. They are inspiring to look at:)
Lauren — Aren’t they handsome? Love the one at top—he’s my favorite!