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Modern Traditionalist says 03/03/2010 at 9:25 am Fascinating quote. I wonder what Jackie would think of all of this blogging and tweeting we do? MT
the NEO-traditionalist says 03/03/2010 at 9:56 am MT — She would probably be horrified and tell us to get off our computers! But that’s okay, I love it regardless!
Sufia says 03/10/2010 at 7:46 am Awesome!! Bingo.. tis is something which i truely believe in.. :D :D
Fascinating quote. I wonder what Jackie would think of all of this blogging and tweeting we do?
MT — She would probably be horrified and tell us to get off our computers! But that’s okay, I love it regardless!
Love it.
Kate — Love you. XO
Awesome!! Bingo.. tis is something which i truely believe in.. :D :D