Quote of the Day (image by manda) You May Also Like...Joyce Lee Photography + Weekend LinksQuote of the DayBaby Gifts for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (And My Fellow Anglophiles)
Stephanie @ La Dolce Vita says 02/23/2010 at 11:16 am Love it! And you sweetie, are charm itself! Best, Stephanie xoxo
the NEO-traditionalist says 02/23/2010 at 9:50 pm Rikshaw—Too funny. I found it after hours of searching for something that conveyed “charm” on Flickr. We’re soul mates. XO
how perfectly said.
Love it! And you sweetie, are charm itself!
Stephanie xoxo
Love this so much!:)
this made me very happy
this was my bday image i heart it so much..
Rikshaw—Too funny. I found it after hours of searching for something that conveyed “charm” on Flickr. We’re soul mates. XO