Quote of the Day You May Also Like...Quote of the DayQuote of the DayThe Daily Hunt: Leopard Scarf and more!
kirby says 02/15/2010 at 9:33 am What a lovely photo and great quote! Please go check out my post from yesterday. I would love your support!
the NEO-traditionalist says 02/15/2010 at 10:09 am I voted for you and your adorable fiance Kirby! Good luck!! XO
Ragland Hill Social by Gwen Driscoll says 02/15/2010 at 10:15 am Great image and great quote. Hope you are well. Another crazy week but going to try and stay in touch with blog world. Have a great week.
the NEO-traditionalist says 02/15/2010 at 10:33 am Hi Gwen! Crazy weeks all around—I understand completely. I was swamped last week, but am happy to be back and looking forward to throwing myself into The Neo-Trad once again! XO
the NEO-traditionalist says 02/15/2010 at 11:42 pm Brooke—I know, she’s so fab. I’m going to call you tomorrow—I want Elle updates!!! XO
What a lovely photo and great quote!
Please go check out my post from yesterday. I would love your support!
I voted for you and your adorable fiance Kirby! Good luck!! XO
Great image and great quote. Hope you are well. Another crazy week but going to try and stay in touch with blog world. Have a great week.
Hi Gwen! Crazy weeks all around—I understand completely. I was swamped last week, but am happy to be back and looking forward to throwing myself into The Neo-Trad once again! XO
my hero
Brooke—I know, she’s so fab. I’m going to call you tomorrow—I want Elle updates!!! XO