I recently stumbled upon the instagram account of an Englishman by the name of Sean Anthony Pritchard who resides “on the slopes of the Mendip Hills, Somerset” and fell in love with his picturesque glimpses of rural English life. His photos celebrate the beauty of the English countryside–its architecture, decoration, and gardens. From mouth watering Victoria sponge cakes to dahlias as big as a dinner plates, Sean’s Somerset life is brimming with beauty. Below, see for yourself and if you like, follow along on his adventures here.

A village lunch scene complete with scones and a Victoria sponge cake.

Flowers on a side table in Sean’s home. Love the moody blue on the walls.

A snapshot from a visit to Rousham in Oxfordshire.

A peek inside Sean’s charming Somerset cottage. Love the Staffordshire figurine, the sisal rug, and the marbled lampshade!

Snowdrops gathered in an antique jug on Sean’s kitchen table.

A lovely 15th century home in Wells, Somerset.

Dahlias in antique jugs in the kitchen.

Nicotiana and candlesticks in the cottage corner.

Another stunning village lunch scene including scones, dahlias, and a Victoria sandwich.

A lovely, unruly arrangement of tulips from the cottage garden.

Ionic columns on a handsome doorway in Bridport, England.

Charming bows of all different color ribbons on the Christmas tree.

Orange pomander balls, pheasant feathers, candlesticks, and greenery on the holiday table.

Artwork waiting to be hung in the cozy sitting room. Note the Penguin paperbacks.

Tulips bursting open in an antique mochaware jug in the kitchen.

Ammi, nicotiana and sweet peas in the cottage garden.

Column candlesticks and daffodils in an antique mochaware jug. I also love the framed antique hot air balloon prints.

Terra cotta pots overflowing with blooms at the end of the cottage garden.

Tulips, daffodils, and Penguin paperbacks on Sean’s side table.
Love all things English as much as I do…? Don’t miss my Best book for Anglophiles!
(images courtesy of Sean Anthony Pritchard’s instagram account)
Thank you, Katie! I have been hoping to find another site to satisfy my thirst for English goodness and this one is just perfect! Also, I really admire how you protect baby Gabriel and not post too often but I know I’m not the only one waiting for an update:)
Mama D – You’re so sweet! Will get a photo of little Gabe up for you soon! Thanks so much for reading!