I love animals and antique prints so when I spotted these beauties on Etsy they were instantly added to my wish list. The charming mammals are reproductions from the “Dictionnaire universel d’histoire naturelle” published in Paris in the 1840s. Don’t you love the elephant below?! I think they’d be sweet framed in a nursery or any room really. I found some of the original hand-colored engravings on Etsy as well (see here and here), but these $8 reproductions are more my price range at the moment!
These are so, so lovely! I’ve been looking for some great vintage art for our library and these would fit right in!
That giraffe looks like Zarafa, the darling of Paris in the 1820s-40s!
Arielle – Ohhh they would look awesome in a library! How fun!
Kate – I just googled “Zarafa” and the print is of her! What a fantastic story she has…!