I joked on twitter this afternoon that until I can move permanently to Paris I’ll simply follow a million Parisian instagram accounts. Well, I was thrilled when my friend Nichole responded introducing me to her new project, The Paris Journal. I immediately downloaded it on my trusty iPad mini and was whisked away to the the winding streets of Montmartre. The digital book “combines fine art photography and minimalist video into visual stories of Paris neighborhoods.” Living vicariously just got a whole lot more fun…
And speaking of Parisian instagram accounts, a few favorites: parisinfourmonths, colettestore, jasminetartine, willsheloveparis, makingmagique, alixcherry… Do you follow any Parisians I should know about…?
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Oh the streets of Montmartre and at night. Must read as soon as possible. I too share an affinity for Paris.
Do you follow Gabrielle of Design Mom? http://instagram.com/designmomblog/
Mimi Thorisson of Manger (instagram: mimithor) is the most beautiful French inspiration…not to mention a fellow dog lover! You will love her!
Anne Catherine Frey! @annecatherinefrey
This post made my day :) thank you very much <3