Happy New Year, my dears! My apologies for the extended break. I took some time to reenergize over the holidays after what was undoubtedly the most exciting yet exhausting year of my life. Today I wanted to share with you some of my goals (I’ve given up on the phrase “New Year’s resolutions” as mine never seem to last long!) for 2020. I’d love to hear what your aspirations are for 2020, too! Without further ado, some things I hope to accomplish this year:
Travel more often.
In the last 18 months I transitioned from living in Denmark (where I was in a new country practically every other week) to living in suburban Seattle with a newborn. While Gabriel is the best thing that every happened to me, it’s also been an enormous adjustment. In 2020 I hope to travel more often, even if it means exploring solo. Last week I went to New Orleans for three nights on my own (my first ever overnight away from Gabe) and while I nearly burst into tears saying goodbye to my sweet boy, it was so exciting to have some “me” time for the first time since I can remember. While I’ve come to accept that big international trips are difficult for us right now given Gabe’s age (we were crazy to have flown with a newly walking 10-month-old to London in October!), I am going to try to plan more short little solo getaways for creative inspiration (and my sanity).
Get organized.
I know it’s not practical to completely Marie Kondo my life (I like a little clutter and all my tchotchkes bring me joy), but I’d love to give our home a deep clean and do some major donating/tossing/reorganizing. I want to bring less into the house (I always come back to Cuyana’s motto of “fewer, better things”) and determine which pieces of my furniture collection and fashion wardrobe are really forever pieces (and which can go). My husband Simon is super organized and I envy how less stressful his daily life is because of it. I am tired of endlessly wondering where I put my keys/phone/wallet.
Needlepoint a pillow.
My friend Fallon taught me to needlepoint one night in London a couple years ago (I know, party animals…) so naturally I went out and bought an expensive needlepoint canvas and all the supplies and haven’t touched them since. This year I want to actually finish a needlepoint project, ideally said pillow. Someone please hold me accountable!
Read more books.
I finished this one on the plane to New Orleans (it was lovely!) and it reminded me how happy reading a good book makes me. In 2020 I’m determined to make reading more of a priority. I’ve finally accepted I’m simply too exhausted to read before bed, so I may try sneaking in a few pages first thing in the morning (even if it means setting my alarm a bit earlier) or when Gabe naps in the afternoon. Next up I’m thinking I may read this.
Find more balance.
Or rather, accept I can’t work full-time and be a stay-at-home mom. The first nine months after we brought Gabe home I had no childcare and yet I still tried to keep up with this blog as though nothing had changed, working whenever he napped. Rather than “sleep when the baby sleeps” my mantra was “blog when the baby sleeps.” Needless to say, I was a zombie. I eventually learned it’s okay to accept help and that I can’t do it all. In 2020 I hope to be more present when I’m with Gabe and more focused when I’m blogging. Soon enough he’ll be starting daycare and I’ll be missing this time dearly.
Save for our dream home.
This is my top financial priority in 2020. We don’t know where we’ll ultimately decide to buy (I literally stalk real estate listings in multiple cities/states/countries) and it may still be a long way out, but I want to keep front and center my goal of buying, building, or renovating my dream home. Stay tuned!
I hope your 2020 is off to a happy, healthy start!
I’d love to hear your goals for the new year! Any needlepoint tips?!
(image: the gorgeous Elysian Bar in New Orleans)
Happy New Year Katie! I missed you. Love your goals. 2020 will be amazing!
Suzanne – Thanks so much! So lucky to have thoughtful readers like you!
I’m so glad you’re back! I was checking the site every day and truly missing your updates! Happy 2020 :)
Laura – That’s so nice to hear. Happy 2020! Lots of fun new post ideas–so excited for this year!
That’s a lot of goals for 1 year, with a baby/toddler at home! I was a stay-at-home mom of 3, but once the youngest started full-day kindergarten, I decided it was time to find myself again and try to revive my formerly promising career. It is not easy to keep high standards, and I struggle daily with feeling like I am not doing anything/everything with my fullest, most present self. I wish you joy and fulfillment in 2020. You have great taste, and I love your links to inspirational interiors. I don’t make time to search for them myself, so I appreciate that you collect the eye candy and serve it on a silver platter for me. If it doesn’t come as frequently, I understand!
Erica – Thanks so much for your understanding and kind words. I can’t even imagine juggling three kids and work…that’s no small feat. I’ve got my hands full with the one! We’ll see how much needlepointing I actually get done this year, hah! Thanks so much for saying hello. Will be sure to share some fun interiors this year…have lots of ideas!
Welcome back! There is SO much needlepoint inspiration on Instagram, along with many new needlepointers. I love following Lycette. She carries gorgeous pieces and I love her whole approach. I recommend that you begin with checking out what’s being done on Instagram and online. You can get stitch help from a local needlepoint shop or via you tube tutorials. Once you get started, you will be hooked!!
Katie – Love the YouTube tip, thank you! The canvas I have is a Lycette one–I love her designs! Great minds! Happy 2020!
Happy new year, Katie! Thanks for sharing your goals. I am glad to read there are people who still love tchotchkes. I am reading Such a Fun Age right now and so far it’s a quick and very timely read.
Look forward to more great content from you in 2020.
Julie – Tchotchke loves unite! Glad to hear you’re enjoying Such a Fun Age, going to order it now! Happy New Year!
Welcome back and was so excited to see a post from you!
Love your idea to call them goals for the new year rather than resolutions.
Hope you get a chance to work on all the projects you want to do—I know my house presents me with never-ending organizing projects.
Lauren – Glad I’m not the only one that still has some organizing to do! Thanks for the warm welcome back. Happy 2020!
Happy New Year Katie, fun goals. You wrote that New Orleans is one of your favorite cities, I am going there in March and would love to see a Katie Considers visitor’s guide of your favorite things and places.
Kumi – I’ll see what I can do! You’re going to love it!!!
I still have a pug needlepoint pillow I started when I was pregnant with my son. He is now off to college in the fall. Maybe I can finish it before he leaves. LOL!
Melissa – A pug pillow?! And unfinished, hah! You’re clearly a kindred spirit. At the rate I’m going my needlepoint pillow is going to be finished in 2040!