I was so busy with the magazine this week I never found time to type this up. Without further ado, my personal goals for 2013…
1. Stand on my own two feet. This one is accompanied by a bit of news – after much thought, my husband and I have decided to end our marriage. Thankfully we have remained good friends and while he and Wallace have found a new home, we will surely have pug play dates in the future. I am so thankful to have this opportunity as a young woman to find out more about who I am — and to work towards the woman I want to be. In 2013 I hope to welcome new beginnings…
2. Volunteer. I am lucky to have a flexible work schedule and look forward to dedicating time in 2013 to give back. On Tuesday evening I went to an awesome orientation for New York Cares and was blown away by all of opportunities available. I think I may begin by volunteering with children in a local classroom or homeless shelter. I can’t wait to get started! In 2013 I hope to make a difference…
3. Eat well. For years I’ve suffered from horrible migraines and six weeks ago began eating gluten-free. It’s been a huge adjustment (if you follow me on instagram you know I used to consider cupcakes a meal!), but I haven’t had a migraine since and I feel fantastic. It’s easy to make poor food choices when I’m tired and stressed, but it’s time I start taking responsibility for my health. In 2013 I hope to eat more greens…
4. Travel abroad. Any suggestions? It’s been years since I’ve been overseas. I’m eager to save up and see some new sights. I may invite a girlfriend or even go solo. I’m excited by the possibilities. In 2013 I hope to explore a new country…
5. Blog more often. I’ve missed posting here and look forward to doing it far more often this year. Your thoughtful comments always make my day and I find the experience of sharing my life and interests with you incredibly fulfilling. You never cease to inspire me in return. In 2013 I hope to share and reflect…
What are your resolutions? Do we have any in common? Thank you for reading and more importantly, for your friendship. xx Katie
(photo of my bedside table via instagram)
you inspire me to be a better version of myself Katie, and i really look up to you. i hope you are successful in 2013, and i’m really looking forward to your more frequent posts!
xx, Diana
Diana – That means more than you know. As you might imagine, I was a bit nervous to write this post. Your kindness is so appreciated. Here’s to a great 2013! xoxo
I hope 2013 brings you wonderful new beginnings! Your resolutions are uplifting and inspiring. Wishing you the best Katie! XO
Thank you, Patti! Wishing you the best as well! I have a feeling it’s going to be a great year :)
Katie, as a long time follower it has been so fun & exciting to watch you find success. But what I really appreciate, is that you are willing to show that the NeoTrad way of life can also have a bit of edge & a touch of maturity! Cheers to becoming WOMEN – flaws, challenges and all :)
Aly – Cheers to that indeed! Thank you for encouraging me to be brave and an open book! I try to remind myself we’re all learning as we go… xx
GO GIRL! Support system is 9 blocks away.
Brooke – Where would I be without my girlfriends? Love you!!!
I wish you the best of luck in taking on these resolutions, Katie! (And goodness do I admire you for daring to go gluten free!) Here’s to a year filled with healthy treats and inspirational adventures! :)
As for travel, might I echo one of my own travel wishes for 2013 and suggest the historically, architecturally, and culturally rich city of Istanbul?
Olivia – I’ve yet to make it to Istanbul and am dying to explore it someday! Great idea!
Katie, it’s been a part of my daily routine to read and keep up with the adventures of the Neo-Trad and Matchbook. You are truly an inspiration to me as I make my way through college and search for the kind of charmed life I hope to one day lead. You’re a true pioneer! Here’s to a fabulous new year filled with love and endless wanderlust! :)
Aw darling!! I miss you. So happy you’re blogging more – I need to start reading more – though that would complicate my big big big resolution to BE DONE WITH THE BOOK by my birthday in June. Other wishful thinking – moving back to the City obvs., but that’s happening – hosting weekly parties – saving some dough (um how?!? because I’ve also promised myself an H Garden Party tote… and an overseas trip w/ the guy…) – adopting a lady Doxie pal for George… ;) XO R.
You go girl! No one believes in you like I do (well, Erin might not count)! Remember….I’m the one who thought it was a fabulous idea for you to go to boarding school! ….and you know I do travel really well!!
Love you!!!
Leah – You are an absolute sweetheart! I can’t wait to see what life post-college brings you — many a charmed adventure to be sure :) Keep me posted! xx
Robyn – I can’t wait for you to arrive in NY. So many cocktails (and George and Alfred play dates)!
Modeana – Love you! Hope all is well in SLO :)
Katie, YOU are awesome. My heart goes out to you with the changes in your life. I’m so impressed with what you’ve done with Matchbook, it’s filled such a void (while I love buying glossy mags, I have no interest in the sex articles or trendy fashions – so wonderful to have something to read that is CLASSY!). I’d love to meet you someday and buy you a gluten free cupcake! :)
to my internet friend katie armour,
you rock. sometimes change is the greatest catalyst in our lives and I hope 2013 brings you so much joy. OH and I hope we finally get to meet in person. I love to travel abroad, just sayin’
Best of luck with your diet, and other changes. I went gluten and dairy free two years ago, and it has made a world of difference! I can’t wait to see your adventures unfold; please go to Bangkok or Australia so that I can revisit vicariously through you :). Happy wandering!
I’ve followed your blog for quite some time and love hearing about the adventures and viewpoint of a fellow Californian and puppy lover. I think it is so brave of you to make the decision to start anew in 2013. Looking forward to hearing about how you experience the new year.
I wish you so much positivity and good vibes as you enter a new year and a new stage of your life. We’ve all had those times where we feel like we’ve hit a low point, but knowing how you see the beauty around you, I’m sure you’ll be able to make 2013 incredible!
New Year, new life and new adventures, I’m sure it’s going to be a good one for you!
Just to echo what so many people said above, I’m so very excited you are blogging more! I love your honesty, glimpses into your ever so stylish life, and your amazing finds.
I went gluten free about six weeks ago as well, and I agree that’s is difficult. BUT on the bright side, macarons are made with almond flour and almost always gluten free! Best wishes to you in 2013. I can’t wait to see more of the amazing things you’ll do this year!
Love you // proud of you // cant wait to see you get even more awesome in this new year
You are a class act, Katie Armour. Best of luck to you this year: You’re in new york–the sky’s the limit!
I too have resolutions..or TRAVEL TO SEEs….This year should bring Paris, Blackberry Farm and Palm Springs. My hubbies was thrown by such resolutions but travel inspires my soul.
I am such a fan of all your work, as well as that darn pug.
Holly Phillips @ The English Room
Mayanmar !! (Burma)
I spent a month there several years ago traveling solo and it was one of the best experiences of my life. Very, very safe for women travelers and the Mayanmar women with red lips, flowers in their hair, smoking little cigars and swaying in sarongs have a style all their own.
Wherever you choose to go – just go !
Travel is the elixir for the soul…
Katie, I hope your path is kind and gentle to you and makes you happy. Now get out there and sparkle! PS Come visit Australia:)
Inspiring to read, Katie (from another Katie, too!), and made me reflect on the substance that you combined so well with style both here and in Matchbook. Your resolutions prompt the thought that we all have our own challenges, which can sometimes be hard for others to see through the real-but-mostly-very-upbeat world of what we share with our friends in the online world, and I wish you the best from afar in the changes in your life. I am looking forward to more travels in 2013, perhaps to Ireland and (if I can) back to NY, always my favorite place (the home I don’t yet actually call home). I suggest a visit to Venice, which is so lovely with all its hidden and winding pathways and water everywhere (so relaxing!), and wonderful food too. Happy trails!
Best of luck this year!!! Im sure 2013 its going to be a great year for you!!
Oh Katie, I love this post so much, and what positive goals they are. I love the freshness a new year brings, and with it the inspiration to better ourselves and try new things. Good luck with your pursuits and adventures (especially number 1!), and I’m so looking forward to hearing how they turn out.
Thank you for always being such an inspiration on here and Matchbook!
Briony xx
What a beautiful set of goals. You’re an inspiring lady, and I can’t wait to see what 2013 brings your way!
Hi Katie, I don’t normally comment on your blog (or any of those I visit) but I am a regular visitor and was touched by this post. Your style and spirit are inspirational, and your blog really peps up my coffee breaks at the office. Sending you all my best wishes for your life’s next chapter.
All the best from London,
Such amazing resolutions! Here’s to 2013 lady! And let me know when you’re headed on your trip so I can hop in your suitcase! xx
I can’t even begin to tell you how much all your kind comments mean to me! I am so touched and grateful for each and every one of you. And I am loving these fantastic travel recs – Myanmar, Bangkok, Sydney, Venice?! How’s a girl to choose?! Much love to all of you! xo
I am sad to think of all you must have gone through this past year. I believe that 2013 is going to be a great year for you. Nashville probably doesn’t count as abroad but the creative people and fun abound. I would love it if the new year included a visit!
Kayce – Thank you for the positive thoughts! I’ve never been to Nashville and have always wanted to visit! Never say never :)
Thank you dear Katie for this post, I wish you all the best of the best in 2013!
Love your style, your way and I thank you so much for a lot of inpiration…
I look forward to your posts and everything from you in this year! :)
x Tin.
1. I’m proud of you.
2. I’m up for international travel :)
Thank you for inspirational posts. I always look forward to them. As far as travel goes, after climbing a mountain emotionally, why not do it literally? Kilimanjaro? I’ve walked in your shoes and nothing is better than digging deep and finding parts of you you never thought you had. Dream big. Challenge yourself.
I’m a long time reader and fan of your style and work. Funny how my heart sunk when I read your entry. I’ve also gone through a divorce and even though it was the right move, it was not easy. So I wish you the very best moving forward and take comfort in the fact that you have a job that is absorbing and friends and family who love you. I bet it was a bit of a relief to “put it out there” and move forward.
As Carrie Bradshaw said, “Maybe, you have to let go of who you were to become who you will be.” Your readers/followers are cheering you on! Go Katie go!
And if you ever need a (gluten-free) cupcake fix, try Babycakes on the Lower East Side. Their baked goods are unbelievable and founder Erin McKenna is *definitely* a Matchbook Girl!
We certainly all wish you the best as you undergo all these life changes – the new year is a wonderful time to energize yourself as you move forward. I can’t wait to hear what’s next for you.
They say that you should always write your goals down…make them concrete and to remind yourself to be accountable. Sounds like you will have a great year! Best of luck on the new adventures, new challenges and new outlook! You are a great reminder for me to do the same and make 2013 wonderful…to be better than I was the day before!
Love your resolutions and your honesty. So happy to hear you are back to blogging more often in addition to the mag. I am a long time follower and check daily for blog updates. Happy 2013!
Hi Katie
I have read your wonderful blog since your pre-Matchbook days. Your taste, style and appreciation of life is inspiring. Thank you for being you, dreaming big and sharing so much with your readers. Wishing you all the best for the New Year and new beginnings!
wow, Katie, that change is going to make for a very different year. Sorry you’re going through that but glad to hear you’re handling it in the best possible way. Looking forward to seeing what 2013 brings for you and all of us.
3 years ago {After nine years of weekly migraines} I went completely gluten free. I am happy to report that I have not had a migraine since. Good luck, wishing you health and happiness in 2013!
Well, I am happy to see that you have tons of support here! I repeat what someone else said- I hope the path is kind and gentle. Beginnings are always exciting (though I admit scary). 2013 will be a good one. Can’t wait to hear about all of your adventure this coming year!
Katie- I’m constantly inspired by your optimism, go-getting, and poise. I have no doubt that this year will be even bigger for you. I know what it takes to write a post like this, but I really admire it.
Sending you the best possible wishes for a very full, adventurous 2013, Katie! I’m also so happy to see that you’re blogging more – the Neo-Traditionalist has always been a favorite. Hugs to you & Alfred!
I almost hate to ask this within such an inspirational post, but would you be able to tell me where your gold signet ring is from? It is stunning. Best to you, Katie!
Thanks for sharing from your heart, Katie. I love honest, open, and yet optimistic posts like these. Wishing you all the best in the new year. And seeing from how well Matchbook is going, I foresee a bright and cheery future for you ahead! :)
Katie, for the gluten-free diet, do head to Williams Sonoma and get a bag (or two) of Cup-to-Cup gluten free flour, developed by Thomas Keller. I’m not g/f, but I do hear that it is a god-send for cookies, breads, and other baked goods.
I find you so inspiring and you seem like one of the sweetest people out there. I wish you warmth and all the best this coming year and I look forward to more blogging, twitter and Instagram (as I live vicariously through you in NYC), and future Matchbook issues! xo
I admire your openness and cheery outlook! I know there are nothing but bright things ahead for you, and I look forward to seeing them happen. Cheers to 2013!
I had wondered if something was up when you hadn’t shared a picture of little Wallace in several weeks :( Wishing you the best in 2013 as a year of growth and change!
For abroad I think a week on the Mediterranean is in order! That sounds heavenly.
Changes can be heartbreaking but they can also make us much stronger. I believe traveling is good for the soul! You should definitely look into a trip to the French Riviera (very relaxing) or somewhere exotic like Morocco (we’re headed there in March for two weeks) for a fun adventure. Asia is also a good place to visit. With all my heart, I wish you a year filled with positive energy, good health and lots of love. x
Oh, Katie, I am so sorry to hear your news, and hope you are doing well. On the gluten free, my nephew is gluten intolerant and he loved the desserts I made him with Cup for Cup from Williams sonoma. Cupcakes are back! As for foreign travel, this year, for me, it is the Greek Islands. Few lovelier places to visit. Be well, my dear.
Dear Katie –
I don’t know you – although one of these days our paths should cross (Amanda Teal is a dear friend/old co-worker)…..and I NEVER comment although I read your blog postings, follow your Instagram, etc. But given that you shared such personal news I just wanted to reach out and give you a virtual hug and encouragement…..such a tough decision…..and admirable to see someone confront honesty in such a public forum/fashion. wishing you all the best for an inspirational, chic, successful and pug-filled 2013….xx janel holiday huff
Katie, I have followed you for what seems like forever, inspired and buoyed by your marvelous spark–even had the great pleasure of hearing you speak and meeting you in Atlanta a couple of years ago. Sending a loving little breeze to fan your flame, light your path to new adventures and inspirations.
Lots of love and best wishes to you, Katie as you begin this new chapter. I’m looking forward to seeing more blog posts from you in 2013! xx
Katie, I loved your 2013 resolutions…thanks for being so honest. I’ve missed you on the blog:) Wishing you the best year ever!
Thank you for sharing such an honest post. I’m sorry you had to make such a difficult decision, but if anyone can (and will) stand on her own two feet it’s you! I’ve been a follower from the beginning and I’ve loved seeing you grow and blossom. Can’t wait to see what exciting things the future has in store for you! Here’s to an amazing 2013!
Great goals! Just wanted to say hi and love you lots from the island of Victorians. You are amazing and every time I read your stuff I have flashbacks to your room in college and wow! How you have flourished! You and Jane have done so much since then. Hugs.
I’m definitely taking the travel abroad seriously. I’ve just put a down payment on a eastern european tour for 10 day this october. I can’t wait to visit new countries and cities and all the memories that will come with it.
I truely believe that as one chapter closes another adventure begins. I am wishing you all best for this new adventure and for 2013 – all the way from Australia. As for travel, some of the best experiences was travelling in Europe by myself and meeting new people. Can’t wait to see what 2013 has in store for you!
I’m so sorry to hear your news! But it seems like you have great plans for 2013! XX