I am absolutely in love with the rectangular clutches by Olympia Le-Tan. Each cover is a hand-knit copy of a literary classic from Lolita to The Catcher in the Rye. “I was thinking there were all these beautiful books around and they were being forgotten with everybody on the Internet, so I made it so that you can carry them around,” says Olympia. I think it’s a brilliant idea and am seriously coveting the The Pearl edition below. Which would you choose???
(via Beautiful Decay and Style.com)
OMG! I have to have The Catcher in the Rye!! XOXO
Amanda — Good choice! That orange cover is one of my all time favorite book designs! XO
“Lolita” is my favorite book of all time. Too bad she doesn’t have a shop selling them in New York.
Kate Spade makes adorable ones, too! http://www.vanityfair.com/online/daily/2010/02/kate-spades-book-bags-are-just-that.html
The Kate Spade ones are super cute as well although it looks like there’s a bit of controversy over whether they stole Olympia’s creative vision. I like them both!
XO Katie
Definitely Catcher and the Rye. It’s cliched to say, but that book changed my life and it would be so great to carry it around with me everyday in clutch form.
Oh, I love it!
love that catcher cover! but the blue, black and red of Lord Jim is just beautiful too! tough call… xxo, jane
Teen Fashionista — Isn’t it wild how one book profoundly affected so very many young people and continues to do so today?! I remember the first time I read it—talk about blowing your hair back! XO
I have seen similar ones but none this cool!
These are fantastic! If they had The Great Gatsby that surely would be my choice, but The Catcher in the Rye is equally as fantastic!
As everyone else seems to, I love the Catcher in the Rye! Katie–thought of you last night as I was perusing my new Real Simple mag–there is an adorable elephant candle in metallic silver that I know you would adore! http://www.blisslivinghome.com/carved-elephant-p-1322.html
I absolutely love the idea of a book clutch…especially if it fits a book inside. I’m not sure if any one of these is quite right for me though — I think I’d slightly prefer a science book like Bell’s “Speakable and Unspeakable”. I like the way those words say something about the contents and about life.
Becca — You are too sweet to have thought of me! I have the new Real Simple sitting around here (I’m a proud subscriber!), but haven’t had a chance to look yet. How adorable are those elephants?! Thank you for sharing them! xoxo
Brandi — A science book?! This is why I love you. You’re so your own person (and a fabulous one at that). I dreaded science classes in school (oh the doodles I drew in chem class…), but you make it so cool! You’re the best! XX
that Moby Dick cover is FABULOUS!!!!!
these are adorable. i want one of each!
I love those! I want the Catcher in the Rye one :)
These are lovely!
love love love the moby dick!! her stuff is adorable!
I want them! They are gorgeous!