I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. It’s been lovely here in Seattle. Simon is in India on business again, but we finally hired a part-time nanny last week to help me with Gabe (she’s so great, we’re so lucky!) so I’m beginning to come up for air after nine months of attempting to do it all myself. I’m so grateful for the help and the opportunity to finally find some balance again (and hopefully have more time to blog)!
Moving along, I wanted to share some inspiring instagrams that crossed my screen lately. Above, an impressive geranium plant captured by @carlosgarciainteriors.

The most magical daisy shaped lampshade from @susandeliss.

A bedroom by @sabbeinteriordesign for the Southern Living Showcase House. I love the upholstered beds and windowpane pattern canopies with their tassel trim.

I’ve always wanted to visit the Menil Collection in Houston, Texas. This Cy Twombly snapped from @sarahamandabray stopped me in my tracks.

A gorgeous autumn table setting from @cutterbrooksshop.

The Gracie wallpaper in this bathroom shared by @williamssonomahome is the prettiest thing I’ve seen in a long while.

The sight of @theprettypinktulips‘ front stoop has me itching to get to the pumpkin patch. Definitely the ultimate in chic Halloween decor.
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