One of the highlights of my February trip to India was meeting fashion designer Caroline Weller of Banjanan at her airy Jaipur studio. The British-born designer has called India home for a decade and designs the most gorgeous block print clothing you ever did see (shop it at Bajanan, Saks, and Shopbop). Caroline and I first met via instagram (she’s one of my favorite follows!) and instantly bonded over our love of pugs. Needless to say, meeting Caroline and her pug, Rosie, in India was an absolute treat. Since returning from my trip, I’ve delighted in watching Caroline decorate her home in her instagram stories and lucky for us, T Magazine recently published the gorgeous space. In the living room a mural of trompe l’oeil windows was inspired by experiences from the family’s travels (better than any souvenir!). The flamingo pink isn’t for the faint hearted, but Caroline pulls it off with panache. Naturally, I now want to paint every wall of our home with birds and monkeys. Below, explore more of the designer’s dreamy Indian abode.
The living room is a feast for the eyes with a floral pint sofa and a grand built-in bookcase. I love the marigolds on the coffee table—in India the flower is used to make garlands which are offered to the Hindu gods and goddesses.
The mural in the living room features a playful take on the classic flamingo Audobon print.
Mint green walls and playful black and white tiles.
The mural in the dining room may be my favorite. It was used as the backdrop for Banjanan’s latest collection and was surely inspired by this room in the Udaipur City Palace (one of the most inspiring places I’ve ever been).
The dreamy blue master bedroom. I love embroidered bedspread and inlaid mother-of-pearl nightstands.
(photography by Anu Kumar)
Julie Groleau says
love the exotic-boho vibes!!