Our new Hyde Park apartment is slowly but surely coming together and my favorite corner has to be our dining area. I’ve been coveting a round Saarinen-inspired piece for years and the La Jolla Fiberglass Dining Table from Apt2B fits perfectly under our bay window (we also considered this beauty). It comfortably sits four people and injects our old building with modern flair. Around the table are four Chateau Dining Chairs from Wisteria. They’re so classic and I love their traditional look paired with the sleek table. I’m still hunting for curtains for the bay window—let me know if you have any ideas!
Above is a rough idea of what I’ve envisioned for the rest of the room. Alfred loves our handsome new West Elm Hamilton Sofa. It has proven extra comfy during my recent marathon viewing sessions of the The Good Wife (who’s excited for Sunday’s premiere?). The Moroccan-style rug was a One Kings Lane purchase, as was the sheepskin throw. The leopard pillows are old favorites from Ariana Belle, but I’ve recently replaced them with these ink dot pillows from Anthropologie.
Moving along to lighting, the white Jean Michel Frank-esque lamps (I’m obsessed) are from Zinc Door and the brown ceramic lamp from Lamps Plus. Still on my wish list is the blue and white garden stool from Furbish. The finishing touch? A fiddle leaf fig tree. Now, if only I had an even remotely green thumb…
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I would love to wake up and have coffee at that table every morning!
I bought a fiddle leaf fig tree last year and read so many instructions (all online–maybe that was my problem!) for taking care of it. These things are made out to be gremlins! No direct sunlight but lots of bright, indirect light; water, but not too much or too little; etc.). After trying out a few spots in my house, the tree is super happy in front of a window where it gets several hours of direct sunlight every day (without the direct light, it started dropping leaves). It has more than doubled in size and has huge leaves. I water it once a week with about 1-1.5 cups of water. So far, so good!