1. Put my “face on” every morning even if I work from home and my only co-workers are pugs (grandmother says its important for one’s morale, she’s right…)
2. Decorate and publish our apartment. It’s teeny tiny, but I love a good challenge.
3. Tumble, pin, and tweet every day. I started a personal tumblr and I have 3 followers (kinda a big deal)!
4. Give the Neo-Trad a face lift. Safe to say I’ve outgrown the chevron. Makeover already in the works, terribly excited :)
5. Take more pictures. I am obsessed with instagram.
6. Go to at least one museum each month. I work a lot. In 2012 I vow to step away from my desk more often and seek out new inspiration.
7. Grow MatchbookMag.com into THE online destination for our fellow ballet flat/Jane Austen/polka dot/champagne cocktail-loving friends. We have lofty dreams on this front, just you wait!!!
8. Save up all my pennies and go to Paris. It’s my happy place and I could use a week of lounging at sidewalk cafes, lingering over beautiful paintings, and strolling along the Seine.
What are your resolutions my dear readers???
Love all these goals and can’t wait to see what you cook up! Off to check out the new tumblr now… xx
All of those sound amazing- particularly the new Matchbook site and Paris! For New Years I hope to put my heart and soul into my blog- and publish more than once a day :)
XX Kathryn
Yay, Kate! So excited for you, and will be rooting for you every step of the way. PS: I want Paris too. Le sigh.
Great goals! I love giving things a facelift in a new year! My house and my blog could sure use one. Paris would be nice too!
Happy new year and thanks for all you do to inspire us!
I love #s 1 and 6 in particular. My only resolution/goal for 2012 is to focus on being happy and healthy every single day – I’m hoping that by being more general I will accomplish more than I would with hard and fast things. We shall see.
I love these goals! Best to you in 2012 my dear!
What beautiful resolutions! And your Tumblr is doing better than mine so far. ;-)
Love Matchbook! Keep up the gorg inspiration!
Well Matchbook is most definitely already THE online destination, so thats a good start :) And Paris sounds like a pretty perfect way to celebrate
This is such a great list! I’m posting my final list tomorrow :) Happy New Year!
You are all too kind! Good luck on your resolutions as well — admirable ones indeed!! xoxoxo
Well, you’ve already got the Matchbook one covered :)
I’m trying out one new restaurant every week of this year. Toronto has so many fab spots to eat, but I always find myself at the same ones. Time to switch things up a bit!
Always inspiring & exciting, Mrs. Armour! 2012 is going to be fab! xx
I know you will accomplish all this and more! Cheers to 2012!
xoxo, Emily
you are too cute!
Can I make all your resolutions my resolutions… I guess that would be weird. Mine:
1. Not care (as much…) about what other people think.
2. Cook more.
3. Organize my life a teeny bit better.
i love your resolutions (: i totally get what you mean about the followers. i just got on pinterest and have one follower! i was super excited. hehe, happy new year dear! here’s to a great one !
My daughter and I adore Matchbook…we talk about it and refer to pages all the time…very fun!
Such wonderful resolutions! Maybe I should make some…
PS-Loved your holiday card. Let’s make it happen!
Those are fabulous resolutions! And ours is also to save pennies for a Paris anniversary…our 10th! I just adore Paris!
And I love that you posted a picture of Eloise. My little girl, Ella, has just recently seen one of those cartoons and was smitten. (It was the Christmas one…she wasn’t quite as precocious and obnoxious as I remember her from one of the books)
I have many including to sew more, eat better, facelift my blog… I think all of yours sound wonderful!
Great goals! Of course I love the Paris goal. Hitting the museums is also a great idea. Well, I think they are all great and I hope you get around to every one of them!
You’re off to a great start Mrs. Armour. You’re tumblr is the bee’s knees.
I am not a new year’s resolution person, but your goals for 2012 sound great. Happy New Year!
These are great! I’m hoping to live within my means in 2012. Not just with money, but relationships, emotionally, physically and in work!
Best wishes as you go into 2012!
I am hoping to run my first half marathon this year, too! I also like your resolution about visiting one museum a month. Your blog is lovely, and I’m sure the redesign will be stunning!
I say go for it! As Audrey Hepburn eloquently put it “Paris is always a good idea.” Happy New Year, Isabelle
lovely dreams and wishes. i hope by next year you have met them all.
Great goals! I have just one, be consistent! Wishing you the Best 2012 ever! Can’t wait to see your apartment…make it happen!
My list includes the usual suspects (exercise, eat healthy, enjoy my hobbies). We’re also planning to do a museum each month (got an Entertainment coupon book as a gift so we’ll be cashing those in!).
And my “dream big” goal is to finish decorating our apartment, then have it and my business featured in Matchbook! September issue, anyone? Fingers crossed to making that happen!
Happy New Year!
I am definitely a resolutions kindred spirit! I hope you make it to Paris– I would love to follow along with the packing, planning, and recaps!
Katie, my kindred spirit! I could literally publish this list, insert marathon here and remove magazine there. Can check off blog makeover today (phew!). Moving onto putting my “face on” and stepping away from the desk….definitely going to be a bigger and brighter 2012!
xx Kelly
p.s. my boyfriend is even in law school : )
p.p.s. AND I just started a Tumblr….I only have 2 followers though :)
Oh I struggle with number one too, my mum is 90 and puts her make up on and her rollers in every singe morning at 6.00am. Old school beauty!