Morning loves! I thought I’d go ahead and open the book club now for people to come and go with their comments throughout the weekend. I’m dying to know what you thought of Jane and her adventures! Did you admire her, despise her, or perhaps at times relate to her? I’ll approve comments as quickly as possible. What did you think?
UPDATE: The next book club book will be F.Scott Fitzgerald’s Tender is the Night. We’ll discuss it two weeks from yesterday, Thursday November 11!
Kiri Woods says
I read the book some time ago so don ‘t really recollect details but LOVED it!
Katie Armour says
Kiri — That’s how I felt before re-reading it this week. The one thing I remembered was how much it made me laugh. Picking it up again was such a treat—I was laughing out loud within minutes.
Brandi says
I liked this book so much, I was done in two days — and that’s with a full-time schedule of classes, teaching, and other grad school activities. I loved the dialogue in this book — Jane was so witty and I was really sympathetic when it came to her relationships. I was able to identify with her a lot at times (though I’ve never dated a much older book editor). The last piece was my favorite. I was simultaneously frustrated and amused by it — the former because of those awful women’s voices influencing everything she did and the latter because it’s so easy to fall into patterns of strange dating behavior because people say you ought to do this or must do that. It may have been fiction, but this was a really honest book. I adored it.
Katie Armour says
Brandi — I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I like that you touched on its honesty—I think that was why it was so relatable and humorous, because parts of it felt so very “real” like something myself or one of my girlfriends might have gone through.
Julie Ciapciak says
I just picked the book up last night, for some reason thought we were discussing next week! Still excited to read this weekend under the apple trees…. I have a feeling I’ll get some major giggles….
Any ideas on what’s next?
Enjoy the discussion, ladies!
Katie Armour says
Julie — No worries, you’ll probably finish quickly and can chime in then! I think we ought to do a classic next though I haven’t picked. Any suggestions? I was thinking The Sun Also Rises or Tender is the Night…?
Julie Ciapciak says
Ooh, both great choices! Would you do the original or revised version of Tender..?
My first pup will be named Ernest, so I’m obviously a little biased towards Hemingway, but either excites me! Happy Halloween weekend!
*I’m starting a new jewelry endeavor, want to wait until I’ve really got a handle on it, but would love to do a giveaway sometime in December! See website when you have a minute!
Sweet Nothings says
sO, I have a suggestion, bc I missed this book..can we maybe have a sidebar with the next book? So we can buy/rent/library/steal from our friends the book in advance?
Thanks! Sorry I missed this one. boo on me.
Lena says
Oh, I vote for Tender is the Night! As for Girl’s Guide, I was so delighted when you picked it-I read it years ago and loved it, but couldn’t remember very many of the details. It and Jane both felt like old friends: people you understand and have stood by, but wouldn’t necessarily have followed.
Katie Armour says
Julie — Love your stuff! The rosary pearl bracelet is gorgeous! Keep me posted. And I think we’d prefer the original Tender, but people can read whichever they get their hands on…
Sweet Nothings — I’m so far from tech savvy, but that is an excellent suggestion! Let me see what I can do!
Lena — Okay, let’s just make it official. Tender is the Night it is! I know what you mean about Jane feeling like an “old friend.” So true…
Colette says
Loved re-reading the book. It affected me differently than 10 years ago when I was single. Strangely enough, I was sad for Jane a lot of the time, mainly due to the way her family interacted with each other and pushed things under the rug (I think I identify too closely).
I just wanted Jane to find someone who appreciated her quirks and didn’t talk down to her (hello Archie, Mimi).
Why the chapter on the family that lived downstairs from Jane? Does anyone know?
Oooh, Tender is the Night! I want to read it while at a cafe in a cloche hat.
Erika says
I read this book for the first time for this club and LOVED it. I finished in 3 days with a full schedule and while studying for the GRE. I loved Jane’s character and could relate living here in New York City found myself trying to picture where Jane’s aunt’s apartment was. The relationships are very real, and although I have never dated an older man I have dated someone where you feel like something just isn’t right like she did with Jamie. I think every girl should read this book to realize that we all through the same thing with all sorts of relationships.
Danielle says
Tender is the Night is one of my favorites! Great pick.
I read The Girls Guide long ago, but for some reason I didn’t like it at the time. Funny how books change as you do! This time around was MUCH better. I also finished it in 2 days and was chuckling to myself while reading. I particularly liked the short story aspect; it wasn’t a full series of events, but just snapshots into different points of her life. I think it felt “more real” that way, as I usually remember pieces about my own life, rather than everything that took place. I’m glad to have picked this one up again! :)
Camila says
I loved it. I’ve meant to pick up a ton of times, but the name always threw me through a loop and I was afraid I was actually going to read a book about hunting. Duh Camila how about read the back cover and seeing what it was actually about!
Anyway happy I picked it up. I read it in a couple of hours and loved it. Totally don’t get why there is the chapter about the apt below Jane. Hmm any ideas why?
Excited to pick up the next book.
Rasha says
Loved this book; such a surprisingly pleasant read though it touched on some really difficult moments in life (sickness, death, struggles of dating/loving in NYC).
I didn’t expect to connect to Jane as I did. I found my self laughing out loud on my commute at some of her comments.
We had similar experiences-try to fit yourself into what society makes you believe is the best for you, but eventually it’s best to trust your instincts and what’s meant to be will be.
Looking forward to the next read!
Helena - A Diary of Lovely says
Im a bit behind on my reading but so far Im enjoying it! Ill def come back when Im done
Lydia says
I loved this book! As a single girl I could totally relate to it, how we try and change ourselves to fit into different relationships but how each relationship help us in some way learn who we really are. I agree with Danielle, the little snap shots made it feel like a friend was just telling a story. And Camila you are not alone, I kept wondering when they were going to go hunting LOL.
Melissa says
I loved Jane’s sense of humor. Banks did a great job balancing the comedy and the drama. She has a wonderful biting wit.
Can’t wait to read Tender is the Night!
meg says
I’m about 3/4 through the book and hope to wrap it up this weekend, however I couldn’t resist leaving a premature comment. So far, this book has been a lovely surprise. I started it with no preconceived notions and was hooked by the depth of character developed by the rich writing skills of Ms Bank. So far her trials and tribulations of love in the context of growing up in the NE remind me somewhat of a girls version of Catcher in the Rye. Anyone else? Jane’s character is raw, questioning and inquisitive and her relationship with her brother’s girlfriend at the beginning was especially touching.
Decor Arts Now says
Such a cute, relaxing read. LOVED the pithy language. I found Jane’s witty sense of humor so charming. Well written. Xx Lynn
erin says
i read this originally when it came out in 2000. as a high schooler, i really enjoyed it. I think because it focused on making choices- not always dating in your age range, the changes that life brings, dealing with family, etc.
how ever re reading it this summer, [i admit, last week i read Kitchen Confidential] I found that i did not enjoy it as much. in last 10 years i have been to college, gotten married, started a career [and lost that job], and some how, the book just didn’t speak to me like it once did.
jillian says
this is one of my favorite books! i love all the stories, i need to re-read it soon. xoxo jcd
Molly says
This was the perfect rainy day/feeling under the weather book. I bundled up on the couch with a fire going and didn’t get up until I finished. I loved the beginning and the end for the humor and outrageous situations that Jane got into. I felt like the middle was a bit “blah” and was happy when Jane sprung into action to get herself out of her rut. Good piece of chick lit!
Kirby says
I really enjoyed this book. I was a skeptic at first, but soon changed my mind. I liked how you went through different stages in her life with her. you learned about her family, relationships, death and love.
great pick Katie!
Ms_Blossom says
I can’t believe how long it has taken me to contribute to this wonderful ‘Comments’ section considering the short time it took me to read the book! The book made me giggle and attempt to re-tell certain sections to my girlfriends (mistaking “Belly” for “Bella” had me cracking up). I wish I had more specific instances to refer to, but I have already passed my copy onto a girlfriend! That being said, I know what touched me was the author’s portrayal of intuition – in particular, knowing exactly where you should be at any given moment. Maintaining that balance of “being open” and “staying true to yourself” is a daily challenge that the author captures perfectly. Thanks, Katie!
The Buzz - Diane James Home says
Love Jane’s quirky sense of humor and the whole bit with reading “The Rules” – I’m glad she discovered that the only rule in dating is to truly be yourself… I don’t get the chapter about the family who lived downstairs though!
Jamie says
I LOVE this book. I read it once every few years. I’ll never get the phrase, “I’m a truthball looking for a goof” out of my head. Don’t ever watch the movie though… it’s absolutely terrible. I winced through the entire thing.
Roe says
You know what.
I was expecting the great hammer of Hype with this book but it was just too well written to fall victim.
I didn’t hate Jane. I couldn’t. Or any of the characters really (though I came to the -very- brink a few times!). They were just too much like me and too much like you and too much like your alcoholic uncle that everyone accepts anyway.
I think what Bank pulled off so well in this book was trusting her readers to make their own deductions about motives and emotions. With the slightest word or look, she revealed a depth to each scene and relationship (not pages and pages and pages of inner struggle over attraction and hurt feelings).
The most page-turniest section for me? The double-date vacation. The biggest frustration? Spending most of the book completely confused why the title mentions anything about fishing or hunting. (laughs)
alexis says
What ever happened to Tender is the Night?? Was there ever a discussion?