The new Madison Avenue J.Crew Mens Shop is already open, but these pictures of the previous “under construction” windows still make me laugh out loud. What a clever idea to make people smile while things were getting spruced up inside. Can’t help but wonder if Andy Spade had a hand in it…
How perfect! I love the manly man in wellies and a bow tie!
they just opened up a men’s shop in boston — i do love borrowing from the boys so i’ll be checking it out!
Lena — I mean really, who can resist wellies and a bow tie?! xx
Kate — Ohhh how fun. Love Boston and J.Crew, what a perfect fit! xx
How fun…what a charming way to entertain us during the interim –
ah, these are amazing!! I wish I had something like that up on our storefront windows right now :) ..instead it just looks like one hot mess of boxes from the street.
So adorable! J.Crew Men’s store makes my heart beat fast :)