Just came across these old Burberry advertisements starring a young Kate Moss and had to smile. I remember having them pinned to my bulletin board in boarding school! The shot at bottom is my favorite—so stately and English with the hound in the background. I can’t wait to someday invest in a classic Burberry trench!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I think I actually remember these ads..I still don’t own any burberry, but I really liked when Emma Watson was the model for them, she is soooo cute.
I am going vintage shopping tmrw in paris and am on a hunt for a burberry trench! wish me luck!
My best friends says, and I completely agree, “You know I will have ‘arrived’ when I own a Burberry trench and a pair of Christian Louboutins”
Michelle — I love the Emma Watson ones as well! She’s absolutely darling.
Kacy — What fun!! I’ll keep my fingers crossed on your account. How I envy you!
Lauren — That is too cute! I have yet to arrive, but someday! : )
These are great, I will also be making the investment.
I remember a conversation with your mom about all the reasons why I thought you would be a terrific candidate to go away to boarding school….(Kate Moss was not mentioned) I’d like to think I had at least a little bit of influence in her final decision to let you go!
Whew…..thank goodness it worked out!
I am curious…where did you go to boarding school?
Modeana — You did help convince my mom to let me go! Best decision we ever made : )
Kayce — I went to Santa Catalina in Monterey, California. Very possibly the best four years of my life!
It is so nice to know that the plaid bikini was the brain-child of our beloved Deborah Lloyd when she was at Burberry. It is funny how we loved her back then without even knowing it! I remember buying out Banana Republic when she was creative director wondering how they “knew” just what I liked. Now there isn’t much at BR for me and I am practically only wearing kate spade.