Remember how I said I was looking forward to the upcoming film The Romantics? Well apparently J.Crew is too! They’ve just uploaded a new photo shoot and behind-the-scenes video with the movie’s adorable cast members. They all seem to have such chemistry, don’t you think? I can’t take the cuteness!
Too cute! I am going to check it out right now!! PS saw your picture at Riksahw Designs..adorable!!! I can’t take it. sigh…
So I know I just got married but…I’m in love with Adam Brody, especially because of that picture above. I mean…what’s not to love about him!?!!!!!
Make all that adorable stop! This is such a terrific shoot! Don’t you wish J.Crew would dress and style you and all your buddies for the afternoon?
Blue Hydrangea — Thank you! Aren’t they such hams for the camera? I love it!
Kate — I know, I know…
Meagan — It’s okay, I “love” Adam Brody too. Such a crush.
Lena — Yes! That would be amazing. Our very own J.Crew photo shoot…sigh.
Makes me want to get married again! I love J.Crew so much…I need to go to J.Crew anonymous.
Kelle Dame — You crack me up. I need to go to J.Crew Anonymous too. Perhaps we should start a chapter ; )
What’s cuter? The clothes? Or Adam brody??
That is one beautiful set of folks right there. Those sequins aren’t hurting anything either. I’m dying over Katie’s brown beaded dress…
oh my heavens. i’m in love with these photos SO MUCH.
Chemistry is right! These photos are so great. Can’t wait to see the film! P.S. love your photos on Rikshaw!:)
Love this! Perfect!
xx Vivian @
love these pics! i tried to see this movie at sundance but didn’t get in… what a great cast!
The girls look fantastic, but the boys look so sharp with their pocket squares and tie clips. Love!
Ugh! I can’t take it, Adam Brody is too darn cute!!!