So often in an interior it’s the little things that count. I am on the hunt for a handsome dresser and can’t wait to dress up whatever I find with something fun like the pink poppy knob (bottom left).
So often in an interior it’s the little things that count. I am on the hunt for a handsome dresser and can’t wait to dress up whatever I find with something fun like the pink poppy knob (bottom left).
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Yes. Love these! Not surprised they are from Anthro.
So funny because I just was skimming this post and saw the image and thought, “what pretty rings!!” I think they could make v. cool rings…
Wow Katie! These are stunning! They are teh sweetest little knobs I have ever laid eyes on. My favsare all in the right column! Are they all from Anthropologie?
Oh I love them! Adding small touches like that can really make a room! And yes John will definitely grow to love pink poppies on his dresser. :)
Super cute, I love the silver one…now what could I put it on???
I’ve found that the larger hobby stores sometimes carry some of the exact knobs that Anthropologie sells! And sometimes you can catch them on sale, like half off.
I reeeally love the one on the site that is glass with bubbles (the pink and the olive.. they have them in door knobs too. LOVE) and there’s one that looks like a poppy bud before it opens, but they call it an urchin for reason.. aaanyway. It reminds me of Grammy’s because she used to grow poppies.
Oh! The very last one—I have four of them in robins egg blue. They really cheer up the ugly white cabinets in my bathroom (it’s a rental). Money well spent!
Kate- You have the hookup when you are ready to purchase! Don’t forget!
I took a variety of these knobs home to try on my studio cabinets. I thought I might go with all different knobs for fun but, the pink poppy just popped! I exchanged all of the rest for a bouquet of pink poppies! Fun!
the bottom yellow roses are on my dresser! changing hardware makes such a big difference at a small price!
i LOVE anthro drawer knobs! they always have the cutest ones.