May we please discuss for one moment the cuteness that is Audrey Tatou? From Amelie to Priceless to Coco Avant Chanel, this darling French girl always wins my heart. The second I saw this photo I had to share—it’s particularly charming, don’t you think?
P.S. I’m making these “girl crush” posts daily from here on out. Let me know if you have some Neo-Trad girl crushes I ought to feature! xx
Oh yes, she is charming. I really liked how she portrayed Coco Chanel.
A favorite of mine AND my husbands for sure! She is just so damn cute.
One of my favorites… love!
Loooove her. Haven’t seen a film of hers I didn’t swoon over :)
Yay! I’m so glad you girls adore her as well. She seriously is one the cutest girls in film today. I want to chop my hair like her pixie cut!
XX katie
Oh another point for the pixie side! She is just adorable! xoxo
I love her… she is so stinkin’ cute…
She is for sure on my girl crush list – it seems to be getting remarkably long. I always love her outfits – you could devote an entire week of blog posting to them.
She is not just cute, she is squeezy cute!
I have a HUGE girl crush on Audrey Tatou (and Diane Kruger, the woman of the hour). I was thinking of doing something similar on my own blog, as there are so many fabulous women out there. My other girl crushes are Clemence Poesy and Eva Green. What is it with me and French women?!
Joanna — Clemence Poesy and Eva Green?! You have SUCH good taste. I adore them both as well!
My girl crushes: Alexa Chung, Diane Kruger, Michelle Williams, Clemence Poesy, Marion Cotillard. I feel like there are more but that’s all I can think of now!
Anna — Oh my, I love all these girls! Michelle Williams is another pixie cut I adore. And Alexa Chung, her fashion blows me away. If only I were so hip…and British. xx
She is darling. Have you seen her film “Priceless”? You must. It is wonderful.xx
oh audrey tatou! How I would love to have her as a best friend…I can just imagine her giving such thoughtful, provocative advice, and at the same time offering up some great style tips. the cute french accent only tops it off!
well besides michelle kwan? the olson twins, natalie Portman and this picture of audrey tatou is putting her on my list aswell.
Oh I love her … completely adorable … and simply sweet!! xo
Another adorable Audrey! Love her!
She’s amazing, I love her and Amelie was my favorite film she’s been in.
I loved her in Priceless and CoCo. I even liked her in Angels and Demons.
I meant the Davinci Code.
She is so charming and stylish, I love her!! And I’m loving that lipstick shade quite a bit too.
she has this incredible french allure to her, so lovely
“Priceless” had my sweetheart totally engaged throughout-quite a feat! We both think Audrey Tatou is charming.
oh my my, i absolutely adore her! she’s so dreamy and lovely. <3 definitely on my girl crush list.
She is just so cute and so gorgeous all ot the same time! I absolutely adore her!
too many girl crushes to name…i’ll start with marion cotillard…
oh love her! Must be nice have such an uncanny resemblance to the oh so fantastic Audrey Hepburn!
Okay, i have girl crushes on Meryl Streep (when i saw It’s Complicated, i was like, she is SO beautiful and fabulous and confident and stylish which I already knew, but something about her in that movie!.)
and Tina Fey- she is funny and fantastic.
and Cortney Novagratz from 9 By Design because i share her boho chic messy vibe and southern accent and i pray to the LORD I would look that good after 7 kids!
I love her! Have you seen He Loves Me He Loves Me Not, proves she is an amazing actor as well as being so darn cute!