A brilliant stop-motion short for your lunch break. Isn’t it a vintage lover’s paradise? I adore the sequence where she tumbles into the hole a la Alice in Wonderland. Such whimsy!
A brilliant stop-motion short for your lunch break. Isn’t it a vintage lover’s paradise? I adore the sequence where she tumbles into the hole a la Alice in Wonderland. Such whimsy!
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I love this video great choice I watched it three times the first time I saw it…..
CEO — I understand, I just watched it a good five times! xo
Holy crap. Fabulous. And I love the color of her hair! If I were to go red, this would be the exact color I would want.
i want teacups growing out of my hair! brilliant!
That was so great! Thanks for sharing!
I am such an Alison Sudol fan. :)
Amazing, that was a great way to round out my day.
Awesome! stop motion is great. everytime I see something like it it makes me think more and more that I should set up a stop motion booth at our wedding. gah! what to do!
this is one of my favourite stop motions. my favourite singer in the whole wide world – ali sudol… and angela kohler is a genius! i think i’ve watched this a hundred times. it inspires me.
i love a fine frenzy! thank you for posting this- i had no idea!!
This is gorgeous. A Fine Frenzy is one of my favorite musical groups and the singer is almost too lovely to believe!