The second I saw these Penguin book mugs I thought of John. I can already see him sipping his morning coffee out of Dubliners or Sherlock Holmes. Of course I would drink from Austen or Woolf or perhaps Fitzgerald…? What a cute gift for the book worm in your life!
These are awesome! Great gift idea. I’m going to check them out now. P.S. I just made my first purchase from your shop!:)
Haydee — Ohhh thanks! You made great choices, I must say! I’ll ship them out first thing in the morning! xo
I love these! I really want the pursuit of love mug. but they are all so classy. want is a better combo than hot chocolate and books!?
Leslie — You’re killing me, I want hot cocoa right this very second!!! xo
Oh my gosh, how much do I love these. A set of these, morning tea, toast and jam. Heavenly!
Wow. If ever a coffee mug could cause my heart to leap out of my chest, this is it! Thanks for sharing!
These are fabulous!
Do they have Love In A Cold Climate???\
Had tech. problems lately to leave comments. Hope today will work!
Love your posts!
Earlier this year I bought the Penguin Classics postcard set of 100 titles. We made a big gallery wall in our living room out of our favorites! Obviously I’m a fan of these as well :) xx
Oh we definitely have to find The Sound and the Fury for Dr. Kapolka! Now off to find a Jane Eyre mug!
OMG! I want the Pride and Prejudice mug!! Love it!
I’m looking for a new mug for work and I’m vacillating between either one of these or this Darcy mug (–classic?ref=sr_gallery_2&ga_search_query=darcy+mug&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_page=&includes%5B0%5D=tags&includes%5B1%5D=title). Really hard decision!
after reading discovering your blog I have lists of gifts I could give to different people in my life. You have no idea how much time this saves me!
So cute! More great finds … sigh … I love it here!
oh my gosh!!! these are brilliant! i want to get them for the whole family!!! (and my mom and i are jane austen addicts!!)
oh don’t get me started on anything Penguin books…
Those are such a good idea!
SOOO CUTE!! It was raining here in DC today- a Pride and Prejudice hot cocoa would have been right up my alley :)
OMG i love these! i will take any of them, but especialyl the Austen’s.. and i know who they would make a perfect gift for, too!