Loving the flower props in the new spring J.Crew catalog! My auntie that lives in North Berkeley, California and has the loveliest garden. If we move back west I’m determined to learn a thing or two about tending the flowers. I can’t wait to someday have a little plot of land of our own to plant with colorful blooms…
Do you plant? What’s your favorite thing to grow?
perfect touch for spring* they always know best..
this weekend i planted some marigolds, forget me nots, sweet william, and california poppies out on the fire escape — i’m now anxiously waiting to see if anything appears. XXO jane
Jane — Yay for California poppies! I so wish I could plant something, but if we’re moving in six weeks…? Keep me updated on their progress my love! XO
I love these images/outfits, perfectly fresh for spring. My favorite thing to plant is herbs. Rosemary, Basil, Dill, I love being able to cook with fresh, organic ingredients!
Keely — Ohh that sounds fantastic. I could use some fresh basil for my caprese salads!! Mmmmm….
Loving the J.Crew catalogs lately! I can’t wait to have a plot of land to garden! My mom is a certified master gardener and always has had the most beautiful gardens so I have a lot to live up to! I am thinking in the near future of getting some window boxes!
Im so in love with this editorial, so fresh and vibrant, just like spring!
so pumped for spring and flowers and gardening!! Just discovered three hydrangea bushes in the new backyard. My most favorite to plant though has got to be basil and tomatoes.
The only thing that I would insist on planting are lilac bushes. They mean so much to me. And I know there would be rosemary, mint, oregano, basil, and some pretty tomato plants that I would try to name with proper names like “Edith” and “Harold”. Some lavender there as well, and if my garden could hand it, strawberries.
Emily — You’re so luck you have your mom to teach you! Wish I could join!
Maria — I’m with you! They never fail to disappoint over there at J.Crew these days!
Naomi — Hydrangea bushes?! SO jealous right now.
Brandi — Ohhh I love lilacs! And I want to name my future plants too—you’re always full of good ideas : ) XO
This is the second blog post I’ve read this morning about the new J. Crew catalog and flowers. Great minds think alike!
Also, I have a great urge now to go to the nearest J. Crew as well as the nearest flower market. Not good for my bank account, not good at all….
Anna — Too funny, clearly I’m not the only one smitten with the latest floral trend : ) XO
The top image was the first thing I saw when I opened my email this morning. A lovely way to start the day. I’m rather taken by the new catalog. It is so light and airy and the models look like little nymphs.
I love gardening! As Margaret Atwood said, “In Spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.” In honor of that, this weekend will be solely dedicated to bringing life and color to our yard.
I have to admit that I really don’t like growing flowers – mostly because I end up killing flowers. I am, however, very good at maintaining a vegetable garden. I don’t know why I can handle one and not the other but if you need veggie growing advice, I’m your girl! Fave is herbs, particularly basil. It’s the one we use the most in the summertime… Marija
I hope I get it in the mail today!!! this makes me rally want to stalk the postman until it comes. i can’t wait!
Such beautiful spring items at J. Crew! They really got it goin’ on these days!! I am an avid gardener and just put the Preen weed and feed down yesterday and turned it into all the mulch in the garden beds.. Allt he daffodils are popping up in my woodland garden as well! Happy Spring!
I’m notorious for killing my potted plants, but I have a house now and a mom who is willing to whip my yard into shape, so here’s hoping things go better!
If you want to check out some images of the full-grown versions of the flowers and shrubs we chose, I posted on our spring planting here:
Jennifer — That Atwood quote is perfection, thank you for sharing!
Marija — Ohhh I may have to bother you for veggie advice this summer if I can find my own little gardening patch somewhere in CA!
Sarah — I’m waiting for mine to arrive too!
Ivy Lane — I love daffodils! Look at all the work you’ve already done—so impressed! XO
My garden is my sanctuary. We’re starting our veggies this weekend, and I cannot wait to spend my days out there! xoxo
I really want to get into gardening, actually! I am aching for a little plot of my own, with a blooming garden to tend. I imagine it’s a lot of work, but so therapeutic as well. I’m lucky that I live in California where lots of flowers and vegetables grow year-round. Are you feeling the California love? :-)
Joanna — Yes I’m feeling the California love! You can have a garden year round in those parts! XO
I am so, so ready for flower season to start again. I love buying fresh flowers at the farmer’s market- it’s one of my favorite parts of summer.