The new J.Crew catalog features nine everyday women (“friends, associates, and acquaintances”) with inspiring style and enviable wardrobes. I’m loving these three shots in particular. At top is Molly Carey, a designer for J.Crew. Isn’t she gorgeous??? Love the hair, love the lipstick, love the necklace…sigh. Second, is talented interior designer Celerie Kemble and last, but not least is Lily Koppel, darling author of the seemingly wonderful The Red Leather Diary. If her book is half as cute as she is I simply must read it!
Love when brands we love include everyday, fabulous women. Molly Carey is super cute, I agree I love her look. Lily Koppel’s adorable here too. Great post:)
Great jewelry and yes they are adorable. I always love to get that catalog in the mail and check it all out!
Even though I’m only 4’11”, I’m a jcrew addict! Love this. Wearing their clothes makes me think taller, thus allowing me to appear taller. Maybe next year they will need a short model.
Amazing real women. I loved seeing this today. Such great style!
that’s awesome that they did this!
how amazing to one of those “chosen” women..
I am so excited that they are featuring real women, especially Celerie Kembel and Amanda Brooks who both have great style. I’m not as excited about the snow today which is probably going to make me skip the party for them tonight!
I LOVE seeing real women in the pages of J.Crew. Keep it up, Jenna! I actually just bought the shirt that Lily Koppel is wearing, and it’s already one of my favorite tops I own.
I like seeing real women in fashion shoots. There’s something about them that I find so much more compelling than most models. JCrew needs to keep doing it…and the more, the better.
Celerie is one of our favorite designers – she so sweet and great to work with – and we just got a request to do flowers for her for the Kips Bay Showhouse!
Carolyn — that is so neat you know Celerie! She is an idol of mine—such a talent! XO
lily koppel’s lipstick is perfect.
I had no idea they were doing this. I love it as well. They are all uniquely gorgeous!
Molly Carey is amazing and I love, love, love this photo! I want this entire wardrobe too! le sigh. . . XOXO
loved this feature also!