Fascinated by the interiors of the stars? Architectural Digest has created an interesting slideshow featuring “Celebrities’ Favorites: A Showcase of the Rooms, Items and Styles That Rank as the Most Treasured Elements in the Private Lives of the Stars.” My favorite was this shot of Marilyn Monroe who, despite her great fame and fortune, owned no jewelry and instead counted books and records among her most prized possessions. She lived in a modest one-room apartment at the Beverly Carlton Hotel in Beverly Hills and was quoted saying, “I’m not interested in money. I just want to be wonderful.” I just adore her cozy corner with its tufted pillows, art prints and copious amount of books, don’t you?
love this! your blog is so cute Kate. i’m adding it to my blog roll right now :)
Awww, thank you Haley! I’ve been meaning to do a post on Marais—I’m a bit obsessed with your site. The film you made in the park is pretty much AMAZING. So happy to have you here. XXX