The instagrams that stopped me in my scrolling tracks: I’m obsessed with these copper jelly molds @miguelfloresvianna snapped at Raby Castle in County Durham, England.

I’ve loved following along on the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s tour of Pakistan via the @kensingtonroyal account. Kate’s wardrobe has been spectacular.

How gorgeous is this dining room decorated by @becky_boyle with @graciestudio chinoiserie wallcovering on the walls?! It’s part of the Southern Living Showcase Home in Nashville and it’s sure to wow visitors.

This snapshot shared by @chatsworthofficial has me excited to head to England this week! Visiting the historic estate remains on my bucket list. This trip we’ll only be in London spending time with family…perhaps we’ll make it up to Derbyshire next time!

A beautiful table setting by @atuilealoup with marbled plates and a luxurious monogrammed tablecloth. Thanksgiving goals! Get a head start on your own Thanksgiving table here.

I love admiring handsome residential exteriors (“window shopping” if you will) and the @newclassicalarchitecture account is a great place to start. This home by Sawyer Bernson Architects in Wainscott, NY is such a dream.

@amylberry decorated two lovely bedrooms for the House Beautiful Whole Home Concept House in Nashville. This blue and white room with its gingham upholstered headboard (I just added a “beds” section to my online shop!) and sweet wicker rocking chair is my favorite.
I hope you enjoyed these photos as well and have found a few new instagram accounts to follow. If you’d like to tag along on my London adventures this week be sure you’re following @katiearmour! See you across the pond!
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