Remember textile designer Carolina Irving‘s stunning Parisian home? Well, it’s been shot again, this time by the French publication Série Limitée. The fantastic photos by Jean -François Jaussaud reveal Carolina relaxing in her fabulous leopard Irving & Fine coat. I can’t get enough of her iznik ceramic collection (I’m already itching to get back to Istanbul!) and layered textiles. Below, find more photos of the brilliant boho-chic interior and find my suggestions on how the rest of us can get the look.

How to channel Carolina’s fabulous look in your own home:
Vintage Brass Candlestick Sconces (more available here)
Ivory Silverplated Cheese Knives
Tortoise Silver Plated Bottle Opener
Green Ceramic Chinese Lion Garden Stool
Tufted Armchair (other fabrics available)
Silver Fish Salt and Pepper Shakers (40% off)
(all interior photography by Jean-François Jaussaud, except for the photo with the blue candlesticks which was taken from Carolina’s lovely instagram account)
Heaven! I just discovered your site and it is going to be a godsend to me as I decorate my new house! I’m trying to do a reading area ala Caroline Irving, starting with a white iron daybed I have. But I am having an absolutely impossible time trying to find a red and white suzani like she has. All the ones I see are too orangey a red, or have a lot of black and yellow etc. Any ideas? I’m so grateful!! Sarah
Sarah – The only red and white one I can find online at the moment is this: I’m sure Carolina’s is an antique. Your best bet is to just keep checking Etsy and eBay regularly! Hope this helps! Thanks so much for reading!
How high are the ceilings?
I’ve been admiring her style lately. Curious where all her emerald green ceramics are from.