Morning lovelies. Today I am home sick in bed feeling nostalgic for childhood days when my mother would pamper me with chicken noodle soup, saltines and Sprite. She’d always create me a little nest of pillows and blankets on the sofa and rent me the 5-hour-long BBC version of Pride & Prejudice. Somehow Colin Firth always managed to make it all better. What about you? Did you have any such rituals growing up? I’d love to hear. Oh and don’t fret, I have some yet-to-be-published posts set aside to share with the click of a button! Coming right up…
(image by danske)
Oh no! Feel better!
Thank you Abbie. Something tells me I’ll live : )
I just read your comment and had to come over to see what was going on with Colin Firth! Pride and Prejudice BBC version was my sick-day ritual too, along with “The Importance of Being Earnest”…hmmm…Colin’s in that as well. He always manages to make me feel better- and I hope you feel better too!!
p.s. Have you seen Cranford? No Colin Firth, but I still love it!
“Enjoy” your sick day and feel better!
Hi Lindsay! I haven’t seen this Cranford you speak of, but just googled it and have a feeling I will LOVE it. I mean you can’t really go wrong with Dame Judi Dench : )
XX Kate
I discovered Turner Classic Movies in elementary school and spent my sick days from them on glued to it. And when there wasn’t anything good on there, I watched Blues Clues on Nickelodeon. No joke! These days I’d probably go for Yo Gabba Gabba instead. There’s just something about childrens’ programming that makes a sick day brighter. Feel better!
Oh no, well I hope you get better soon. In the meantime, tuck yourself in the sheets, slurp on some chicken soup and break in that remote control;)
All the best,
sorry your under the weather..just grab that cute snuggle little alfie and sleep for hours ! if you have flu like symptoms try..flew-away its all natural with chinese herbs that completely balance you out..but you have to take a bunch of them at a time!
Try the BBC version of Emma — four hours of absolutely loveliness. I promise. And do feel better soon.
Poor Kate! Get well soon, and in the meantime – enjoy more BBC drama! Cranford is wonderful and I loved the production of Ballet Shoes they did last year. As for me… I like to drink hot milk with cinnamon & nutmeg, and watch Four Weddings and a Funeral when I am sick. Feel better soon!
How sweet my fellow NEO-trads are! Now I want to watch Emma and Four Wedding and a Funeral and take flew-away and sip hot milk with cinnamon and nutmeg and snuggle Alfie and…sigh…
Love you all dearly.
I hope you feel better very soon! Whenever I’m sick I resort to being a child again as well. There is no love like a mothers love.
“love actually” and “the holiday” are on demand right now under holiday movies..
Rikshaw, you’re the best. Sadly, I am currently a freak that has no TV. Luckily, I own Love Actually and I may pop it into my Mac this very second…
Aww, maybe we can be sick buddies. I’ve come down with something today too and also yearn for my mom making me chicken noodle soup (extra noodles), saltines and Sprite! Feel better soon! Hugs &puppies…
Awww, feel better soon lovely!
Feel better soon! My mom had the same routine as your mom except 7 UP instead of Sprite. I have also done this routine with my kids – I have added toast and bananas too!